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وظيفة شاغرة : مدير المراقبة و التقييم - رام الله

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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خادم الإسلام
.: عضو اداري :.
.: عضو اداري :.

خادم الإسلام

التسجيل التسجيل : 25/09/2012
المشاركات المشاركات : 385
الاقامة الاقامة : Gaza
المهنة المهنة : غير محدد

وظيفة مدير المراقبة و التقييم - رام الله
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager - Ramallah

USAID-Funded Investment Climate Improvement (ICI) Project - Monitoring and Evaluation Manager
The ICI Project is a USAID-funded program operating in Ramallah, West Bank. The Project focuses on providing assistance to the Palestinian Authority in the areas of fiscal and policy reform and will be ongoing through August, 2014.

Currently the ICI Project is seeking a highly qualified individual to fill the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Manager position.

The M&E Manager will be report to Deputy Chief of Party and his/ her responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
-Working with the technical components to establish, monitor and track project activities
-Maintaining and tracking the indicators in the Project’s performance management plan (PMP)
-Ensuring that data is accurately tracked and input into the GEOMIS database in a timely manner
-Updating the ICI M&E databases and TraiNet System on a regular basis
-Tabulating, analyzing and generating reports based on the Project’s reporting needs and requests from USAID and the project team and partners

Specialized Knowledge and Related Requirements:
-Ability to use databases (including Microsoft Excel) to perform data entry, analysis, reporting, and troubleshooting
-Experience in drafting and writing reports
-Solid attention to detail
-Strong background in monitoring and evaluation, and statistical analysis
-Experience performing M&E on USAID or other donor-funded projects
-Knowledge and experience with indicator design, and social science methodology
-Experience in training or capacity building
-Familiarity with the public sector in the West Bank

Education, Qualifications and/or Equivalent Experience:
-Minimum of a bachelors degree in a relevant field
-A minimum of 5 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation
-Strong Arabic and English skills (both written and spoken)

Please send your CV and cover letter to the following email: hmusleh@wbg-ici.com no later than 4pm on Tuesday, July 23, 2013. Indicate the position title in the subject line of the email. Please no phone calls or hand deliveries of resumes. Only qualified, top candidates will be contacted by the project.



وظيفة شاغرة : مدير المراقبة و التقييم - رام الله

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
  راقب الله فيما تكتب وتذكر ( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ )

 مواضيع مماثلة

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